H4WRD Great Reads for June/July '24
H4WRD Blog
August 1, 2024

H4WRD Great Reads for June/July '24

Hollywood 4WRD is launching our new Great Reads blog with a content-rich inaugural edition, due to a particularly newsworthy last two months. We're kicking it off with some great reading (and viewing!) material covering a range of current topics, including:

2024 Point-In-Time Homeless Count Results

The resources below emerged from July's first H4WRD Member Meeting, which featured Brian Kohan (Director of SELAH's Hollywood program, Lead Engineer at JPL, and H4WRD's newest Board Member!) offering his informed analysis of the just-released 2024 PIT Count Results from LAHSA:

  • CLICK HERE for the PPT/overview shared with H4WRD membership by Brian Kohan (Director of SELAH's Hollywood program, Lead Engineer at JPL, and H4WRD's newest Board Member!)
  • CLICK HERE to watch video of Brian's presentation. We typically don't share these internal videos, but are making an exception because of the sizable interest in this subject matter!
A range of additional perspectives on LAHSA's 2024 Homeless Count Results:

Grants Pass Supreme Court Decision

Three perspectives on the Supreme Court's recent ruling in the Grant's Pass v. Johnson case, which you can read about further in H4WRD's 2024 FAQ:

Additional Great Reads for June/July '24

Hollywood 4WRD offers "Great Reads" in an effort to expand our community's awareness about the complicated issues surrounding homelessness. Enjoyed any good books, articles or podcasts lately? Please contact us if you have a 'great read' recommendation to add to our growing collection.
PLEASE NOTE: The resources and content in Great Reads are offered for educational purposes only, and do not represent an endorsement by Hollywood 4WRD.