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Special In-Person H4WRD Member Meeting on 6/18/24 at Javista

Special In-Person H4WRD Member Meeting on 6/18/24 at Javista

H4WRD Member Events

Our Board Chair Steve Fiechter leads a special in-person H4WRD member meeting at Javista Coffee

What a joy to see all the Hollywood 4WRD and community members who came out from behind their zoom boxes for the talk'n'walk at last week's in-person H4WRD member meeting.

Big thanks to Javista Organic Coffee Bar for providing a perfect neighborhood gathering spot, and to representatives from Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez and County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath's offices for joining!

Special thanks, of course, to H4WRD's unparalleled Board Chair Steve Fiechter (Senior Director, Clinical Services at PATH) for his pre-walk talk on the benefits of EMDR, which prepared us to walk through the community more mindfully and with deepening compassion for our unhoused neighbors.Our community walk included stops and discussions about several local H4WRD landmarks:

We look forward to creating more opportunities for in-person convening in the year ahead!