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2024 Hollywood Homeless Count | A Count Night to Remember

2024 Hollywood Homeless Count | A Count Night to Remember

Community Events

Recap of H4WRD's monumental efforts as Deployment Site Coordinators for the 2024 Homeless Count

On Thursday night, January 25th, Hollywood 4WRD served as the “Deployment Site Coordinator” (DSC) for the Hollywood portion of the 2024 Los Angeles ‘Point-In-Time’ Homeless Count.

In their role as DSCs, the H4WRD team:

  • Recruited close to 100 volunteers for the monumental effort of counting all of Hollywood’s 57 Census tracts
  • Recruited an internal DSC support team of 20 volunteers to help manage the influx of volunteers, and work at the various “stations” set up at the site, ie., Check-in, Training, Team Formation, etc. (Special thanks to the unflappable Asher Landau from our Hollywood Food Coalition partners) for stepping in at the last minute as an additional DSC team member!
  • Secured First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood as the Deployment Site (thanks to the whole FPCH team for being such great partners!)
  • Set up the site for maximum flow and efficiency in advance of the volunteers gathering to receive their tract assignments.

As with the other DSCs throughout LA County, H4WRD’s primary role was to support Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) in ensuring that the data collected via the Homeless Count was up-to-date and accurate.